Thursday, September 11, 2008

Something New

I have learned something new. I have always wanted to do this and I was never quite sure how to. I have taken up CANNING! There are so many people around here that know how so I've picked their brains (AND SO MUCH TIME!) so that I could learn how myself. Of course, it will take time to continue to do and I would like to learn more techniques and other fruits and veggies for the future.

So here is the run down on what I've done... 2 weeks ago I put up (with the help of my friend, Heidi Nordgren) 12 pints of apricot jam. Heidi has an apricot tree and she allowed me to help her pick the fruit and process it. I had done freezer jam but not cooked jam. I loved it. And of course, how yummy! Then, on Tuesday I made salsa. The tomatoes were from my garden and Heidi's garden. The bell peppers were from my garden and the other hot peppers were from Heidi's garden. The rest, dang it, were from the store. So we made it and processed that too. It made 17 pints. Then yesterday, my nieghbor, Kristen helped me put up my peaches. I bought a bushel and was able to get 22 quarts out of it! I just love this! Thanks to these ladies for their time and knowledge! ( Oh, if you counted the bottles in the picture, yep, they don't match the numbers I wrote...I gave some away!)


Becky said...

you are a total ROCK STAR!

Keri said...

Way to go! What hard work. but what yummy rewards...